Real Food. Real Change.
Date: March 1 - March 31Event Type: Virtual/Online Events
Real Food. Real Change.
March 1 - March 31Next Session starts March 1st, 2021!
(Offered 4x/year: Mar, May, Sept and Nov)
We sign up with the best intentions, but then life gets in the way, and we disengage.
Not this time. Sometimes it takes a re-education; an unlearning and then relearning of health concepts involving food, movement, and lifestyle. My all-time favorite sugar detox hacks are laid out in this 30-day program, delivered daily (emails) and weekly (webinars).
Every day you’ll receive an email. It will contain an educational lesson and task of the day. You might not always be able to execute on that task on that particular day. That’s okay… Get to it when you can. Each of the daily tasks are meant to layer overtop of each other in a particular sort of way, so as long as you do your best to implement what’s delivered as soon as you can, you’re going to feel like a totally different person in just 30 days’ time.
Some of the tasks are big — like asking you to clean out your pantry and fridge and get rid of a few “food groups.” Some of the tasks are small — like focusing on your breath for just 5 minutes. They’re all important, and all tied to improving your metabolic function.
Go to www.jolieensign.com to enroll!
Questions? Contact Jolie Ensign, [email protected]