The New “C” Word: Commitment

Hey Folks! We’re excited to welcome Certified 21DSD Coach Marla Fulton. Marla’s article is part of a series of articles contributed by our Certified 21DSD Coaches. Enjoy! – Diane and Team Hello 21-Day Sugar Detoxers! Do you ever find yourself rethinking the whole “healthy eating” thing and wondering if the effort is worth it? Maybe you aren’t getting the results you had hoped …

Rethinking the “Treat Yourself” Mentality

Hey Folks! We’re excited to introduce Certified 21DSD Coach Natalie Washabaugh. Natalie’s article is part of a series of articles contributed by our Certified 21DSD Coaches. Enjoy! – Diane and Team Coaching people through their 21-Day Sugar Detox journey has been an amazing experience for me. One of the things I have enjoyed the most is being able to bear witness …