What to Expect:
“Is my fridge going to be this full for the next three weeks?!”
You are probably feeling excited, anxious … and even busy! Approach the 21DSD feeling hopeful and positive. A good attitude is the best foundation, along with all of the planning and prep you have done. Now, time to clean up the kitchen!
Today's Lesson:
Setting goals and determining your why
Clearly, the central goal for completing the 21-Day Sugar Detox is to get sugar and bad carbs out of your life for the three weeks of the program. And, most likely, you also have a goal of reevaluating your dietary habits after the program, based on what you learn over those three weeks. But I also want you to think about the goals that are more specific to you! What’s your “why”—the reason that you personally want to complete the 21DSD? Will it mean that you’ve finally committed to doing something for yourself and followed through? Will it mean you’ve done something harder than you ever thought possible? Will it mean that you’ve supported a friend through the program? Changed some of the unhealthy habits your family had fallen into? Learned how to nourish your body so you feel good every day while eating healthy foods—and enjoyed it?!
Over the years that I’ve led folks through this program, I’ve learned this: once you complete the 21-Day Sugar Detox, your confidence level will spike. If you previously struggled with feeling incapable of doing things that are uncertain or scary for you, the positive effects of this program will go far beyond the physical. Yes, you’ll absolutely feel great physically when you get rid of sugar, but the wave of pride that’ll sweep over you when you successfully finish the 21DSD may be the exact boost you need to make some amazing changes in other areas of your life.
So now’s the time to dig deep and uncover your goals for this program, your personal “why.”
What Is Your Why?
Write on paper, in as much detail as possible, the reason(s) why you want to break your sugar and carb cravings. What will it mean to you to complete this program? How will you feel when it’s done—not only physically but also emotionally and mentally?
The Dish from Diane:
You’ve got to stick to your plan, take time to prepare your foods, watch the daily videos, and find answers to your questions here, in the printed books (if you have them), and in the 21DSD Facebook Group to keep your 21DSD running smoothly.
Today's Checklist:
- Log your food and rebuild your meals using 21DSD-approved food swaps*
For even more support, visit the Online Facebook Community!