Hey Folks! We're excited to introduce Traci R., a 21DSD alum. Traci's testimonial is part of a series featuring participants who rocked their 21DSDs! Enjoy! – Diane and Team
Quick-fire facts
Level completed: 2
Favorite thing about the program: The control it gave me over my eating habits.
Favorite 21DSD recipe: Fresh Cabbage and Bok Choy Slaw (page 171 in The 21-Day Sugar Detox guidebook; be sure to check out the program options before you buy just the book!)
Awesome benefits I experienced:
- Sugar & carb cravings diminished or eliminated
- Change in palate/tastes – more natural foods taste sweeter to me now
- Improved sleep quality
Improved digestion
- Weight loss (15 pounds!)
Non-scale victories:
- Besides the weight loss, I now sleep soundly through the night. Interestingly, if I now decide to indulge in a sweet treat, I suffer the consequences at 3 AM when I am wide awake. I love how I have been able to tune into my body this way and realize what is causing what.
Extra support that helped my success:
In my own words
Though I was not eating a standard American diet before the 21DSD, my diet was far from perfect. I frequented salad bars, however I did not add meat and also used dressing. I avoided packaged foods, yet frequently found myself drawn to the dollar pizza specials at work. I wasn't overweight or experiencing any symptoms that so many others deal with as they find themselves drawn to the 21DSD. I just really wanted to get healthy on the inside. I admit I had secretly hoped I might lose my seven or eight “vanity pounds” that I had been carrying around for a few years.
I went through the 21DSD in January 2016. At no point during the time did I find myself craving food or feeling hungry. By day 4 or 5 I realized that this was actually easy for me. It was at this point that I realized that I was losing weight. I am 5 foot 8 and I started this process around 145 pounds. So I really was comfortable with my body. But I quickly began to lose weight and in the first week I had lost about 7 pounds. At that point I added sweet potatoes in my diet to slow the weight loss down. As the 21 days drew to a close I found myself about 10 pounds lighter and several inches smaller. I never measured myself before. However a few days into this I had to swap my fat jeans out for my skinny jeans. But it wasn't long after that that my skinny jeans became my fat jeans and I had to go shopping.
At the time of writing this it is April 2016. I'm still wearing my new jeans and am very comfortable. I have not strayed far from the eating plan that began back in January. I enjoy a variety of starches and fruits now. I also enjoy an occasional bite of a sweet treat. However my sugar cravings no longer control me. I control them. I recommend the 21-Day Sugar Detox to everybody.