Hey Folks! We're excited to introduce Marilee K., a 21DSD alum. Marilee's testimonial is part of a series featuring participants who rocked their 21DSDs! Enjoy! – Diane and Team
Quick-fire facts
Level completed: 1 (two rounds)
Favorite thing about the program: If you really follow it, particularly the advice about eating to your hunger and not trying to limit calories, it becomes pretty effortless. Yes, it takes preparation and work, but if you are open-minded about what you can eat when (leftovers for breakfast) it becomes easier. I most like how I feel after I have completed the detox.
Favorite 21DSD recipe: Coco-Monkey Smoothie, Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins, and Ginger-Garlic Beef & Broccoli (my son's favorite)
Awesome benefits I experienced:
Sugar & carb cravings diminished or eliminated
- Change in palate/tastes
- Improved sleep quality
- Improved mood and general outlook on life
- Improved/reduced symptoms of hormonal imbalances
- Weight loss (12lbs!)
Non-scale victories:
- Besides the lessening of peri-menopause symptoms, my knees feel better than they did before and I don't feel sluggish all of the time.
Did you have any outside support:
In my own words
My diet has always been pretty decent–lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, dairy–but I had a serious sugar addiction. And worse, a diet soda addiction. After my son was born, the first thing I wanted was a Diet Pepsi since I had abstained for the entirety of my pregnancy–it was that bad! When I did the first round of Level 1, I was fed up, tired, and desperate. I found the first time very challenging with all of the withdrawal and detox symptoms, but I persevered and ultimately lost around 40 pounds over 6 months by following a primal-style diet and continuing to cut the grains and sugars.
Then, the diet soda crept back in and eventually became a full-blown addiction which led to the rest of the bad stuff coming back. I gained back my weight over a couple of years and was right back where I started, a slave to the sugar. In the meantime, I started to experience symptoms of peri-menopause (I am 48). Hot flashes and night sweats disrupted my sleep and generally made me miserable.
I recommitted to doing the 21DSD and completed Level 1 again. My palate is once again changed; I don't miss the grains and miss the sugar only a little. I am back on my primal diet and best of all, I can't remember the last time I woke up bathed in sweat. I still have an occasional flash during the day, but much less severe and very infrequently. Even if I find it harder to lose the weight this time (3 years older!) the benefit of sleeping through the night is worth it!
I learned that diet soda is my “gateway” and that I can never drink it again. I found myself able to have a bite of birthday cake after my detox and not spiral back into the sugar, so I believe I can find balance with my eating this time. I am so glad that I found the willpower to try the detox again, because it really is life-changing.
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