Hey Folks! We’re excited to welcome Certified 21DSD Coach Donna Zurick. Donna's article is part of a series of articles contributed by our Certified 21DSD Coaches. Enjoy! – Diane and Team
I travel almost weekly for work, so when I embarked on the 21-Day Sugar Detox for the first time, I knew I’d likely be on the road while doing the program.
One of the great things about the 21-Day Sugar Detox is that it taught me not only to be more aware of what I ate, but how to be prepared to make good choices at any meal, at any time, at any place.
Even before I did my first 21DSD, I always carried healthy snacks in my travel bags. Normally, it was dried fruit and nuts, Larabars, and maybe a piece of fruit or two. Now, I always travel with a cooler (trains and planes included), and only eat out as a treat, not the norm.
Here are a few ideas to make your travels a little easier on the 21-Day Sugar Detox:
Take a cooler. No matter how you are traveling, it’s likely you can get away with a cooler. I’ve even taken mine
through security at the airport (just watch your liquids and make sure your ice packs are frozen).- Ask for a refrigerator. Many hotels these days have refrigerators in the rooms. If not, just ask for one!
- Prepare food ahead of time. Before your trip, boil eggs, cut veggies sticks, cube cheese (depending on your level), package dressing/olive oil, and buy pre-cooked sausages/meat.
- Take easy 21DSD-compliant snacks. Be sure your bag (even if it’s not a cooler) is full of 21DSD-compliant snacks like jerky, nuts, and green apples. It’s easier to stay on track when you’re not searching for food while hungry.
- Do some research. Research the city you will be traveling to. Check menus and websites for menu items on the “Yes” lists. Take your homemade salad dressing or olive oil in a small container so you can avoid pre-made restaurant dressings.
- Shop when you arrive. If it’s too much to take food with you, find a local grocery store and stock up on approved foods. Pre-cut veggies, green apples, and other items can be found in most grocery stores.
- Let others know you’re doing a 21DSD. Let those you are traveling with know what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it. Most people are very supportive of others trying to form new healthy habits, and some may even join you! If needed, be prepared to ask for special meals (for example, at conferences or meetings) and/or eat ahead of time.
When traveling is a part of your life, it’s difficult, but not impossible to complete a 21-Day Sugar Detox. With a little preparation, you can maintain your healthy home lifestyle while on the road!
Donna Zurick was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 32. She was always an active, vibrant person, but after going through treatment, she struggled with the weight she gained and found herself fighting to maintain her energy levels. This led her on a personal journey to health and well being. She found what worked best for her and her own body, despite what some conventional theories and many, many opinionated people (including her doctors) had to say. Donna Zurick was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 32. She was always an active, vibrant person, but after going through treatment, she struggled with the weight she gained and found herself fighting to maintain her energy levels. This led her on a personal journey to health and well being. She found what worked best for her and her own body, despite what some conventional theories and many, many opinionated people (including her doctors) had to say.
Donna took it upon herself to begin researching different nutritional theories, alternative therapies, and holistic trains of thought. She earned a Master’s Degree in Health Science from Johns Hopkins University and is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and 21-Day Sugar Detox Certified Coach. Now she has a fabulous, balanced outlook on life and is the healthiest she’s ever been!
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