Can I have _______ on The 21-Day Sugar Detox (21DSD)?

Can I have ____________ on the 21DSD?

Updated September, 2019.

Can I have ______ on the 21DSD? It's a common question with a lot of different ingredients that come up!

Here you'll find a list of commonly confusing ingredients and foods, clarified per The 21-Day Sugar Detox with our official take.

If an ingredient you're curious about isn't listed below, please comment with your question so we can add it and clarify it for you and all of our readers.

When in doubt, first go to the “Is it a yes food?” from the official 21DSD program rules:

Is It a “Yes” Food?

Can I have _______ on The 21-Day Sugar Detox (21DSD)?While on your 21DSD, you may encounter foods that are not on the Yes/No Food List, or you may be slightly confused about whether a particular food is included in or excluded from the program. Follow the basic principles of the 21DSD, outlined below, to direct your choices and help you figure out whether or not you should eat the food in question.

  • Added sweeteners are not allowed. The only way to enjoy a somewhat sweet taste is to use the included fruits in the limited portions as outlined in your Yes/No Foods List. If an added sweetener is included in the ingredients list of a sweeteners), the food is not allowed. Note that some Yes foods, such full fat dairy on Levels 1 and 2, contain natural sugars, and these are okay.
  • If it tastes sweet and it isn’t included on the Yes foods list, it’s not allowed. Some herbal teas taste sweet naturally, and these are allowed. If an item tastes sweet and you aren’t sure about it, leave it out.
  • Grain flours are not allowed. This means you will not eat any foods made from whole-grain or refined-grain flours (wheat, spelt, and quinoa flours, for example). The only flours allowed are those made from nuts, seeds, coconut, or some limited starches (like tapioca flour when used as a thickening agent in sauces).
  • When in doubt, leave it out. If you find it difficult to make a judgement call about a particular food on your own, ask your 21DSD coach or connect with us online at to ask your question and get more answers and support.

The following is a list of frequently asked about ingredients. These ingredients are mostly contained in pre-packaged foods.

It’s always best to choose fresh whole foods whenever possible, however, we realize this is real life and we want to make the 21DSD doable for anyone. Again, if you are still stumped, when in doubt, leave it out or connect with us to find out!

Almond and Other Nut milk (see coconut milk below)
YES (with exceptions)
Homemade, yes.  There are recipes in the 21DSD books for how to make it very easily.
Pre-packaged with reservation. Approved brands include New Barn, Malk, and Whole Foods organic 365 unsweetened almond milk. Ingredients should be on the yes list and/or the additives have been addresses as YES in this article (check exceptions).

Artificial Coloring
This is a general rule for healthy eating all around, not just for the 21DSD!

Bacon [See Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish]

Cacao, Cocoa, Chocolate
YES (with exceptions)
Unsweetened one hundred percent cocoa solids, powders, and nibs are 21DSD friendly. Pure cocoa products (usually found in 100% bars) may be combined with other yes foods, such as nuts, coconut, seeds There are many options now available on the market. Check out our 21DSD Approved Products and Brands post.

Citric acid
YES (with exceptions)
Avoid in processed foods if you have health concerns.* While a small amount generally considered safe, most citric acid is industrial processed. It’s made from the fermentation of a type of mold fed with glucose sourced from mostly genetically modified corn. As of 2007, 50% of the citric acid produced was from China. Fresh whole food is always the best choice. *There are non-gmo sources of citric acid as well as fruit sourced citric acid so not ALL citric acid is bad. Likely the bigger food manufacturers are using this unless otherwise stated.

NO (with exceptions)
You may make your own chips with approved foods and fats/oils using the “build your plate” portion guidelines.

You can also have Bare Baked Apple Chips, equal to one serving of your daily fruit.

Coconut Milk
YES (with exceptions)
Coconut solids and water are your best bet. Avoid those with carrageenan. Use with caution or avoid if you have digestive issues other gums such as Guar gum. When possible, choose cans that are BPA free. There are many options now available on the market.

Coconut Nectar
This is a sweetener. Not to be confused with coconut aminos, which is a fermented and mostly used as a replacement for soy sauce. All brands of coconut aminos are approved.

Coffee Creamers, Dairy and Non-Dairy

  • Butter/ghee
  • Coconut milk
    YES (with exceptions)
    Avoid carrageenan, see our notes on other possible ingredients such as sunflower oil and natural flavors.
  • Collagen Peptides / Hydrolyzed Collagen (grass-fedno other ingredients/favors)
  • Cream or Half & Half
    YES (with exceptions)
    Level 1 and 2. Avoid carrageenan, organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised is best choice.
  • Equip Foods Complete Collagen (unflavored collagen peptides)
  • Full fat cream and milk
    YES (with exceptions)
    Level 1 and 2. Avoid carrageenan, organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised is best choice.
  • Laird’s Superfood Unsweetened Creamer
  • MCT Powder
  • Milk
    YES (with exceptions)
    Level 1 and 2. Avoid carrageenan, organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised is best choice.
  • Nut/coconut Based Creamers
    YES (with exceptions)
    Ingredient should be on yes list, see notes in this post about natural flavors and sunflower oil.

Coffee, Flavored
YES (with exceptions)
While technically okay, unless we know the source of the flavoring it’s best to avoid for 21-days. Regular unflavored regular and decaf coffee is a yes. For decaf, we recommend Swiss water processed or similar (avoid chemical process).

Crackers – Nut/Seed/Cassava/Tapioca Based Crackers
YES (with exceptions)
Ingredients must be on yes list. Limit to one serving. Whole grain (flours not allowed) based are allowed for Level 1 only and the serving counts towards the 1/2 cup limit per day of whole grains.
Mary's Gone Crackers Super Seed crackers are approved.
Currently the only approved cassava/tapioca based cracker approved are Jilz (1 serving per day). Baking mixes using starch flours are not approved.

Creamers [See Coffee Creamers, Dairy and Non-Dairy]

Cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate)

Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish
(Also see p. 126 of The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide)

  • Nitrates (in Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish)
    It is not necessary to avoid nitrates unless you know you are sensitive to them.
  • Sugar (in Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish)
    YES (with exceptions)
    Less than 1 gram of sugar per serving is approved. Sugar is used to cure, to counteract the salt, and/or for the microbial fermentation process to reduce the pH to give it tangy flavor. More than 1 gram of sugar per serving would be for added flavor enhancement and is not approved.
  • BHA, BHT, sodium phosphate, sodium ascorbate
  • Cherry Powder
    YES (with exceptions)
    Less than 1 gram of sugar per serving is approved. Cherry powder is used as a natural preservative.

Dairy products – Full fat/whole milk based
YES (with exceptions)
Level 1 and 2 only. No added sweeteners/sugar or flavors – only plain, full-fat (sometimes marked as 4%). Allowed thickeners mentioned in this article are approved. Avoid pre-shredded cheeses as they have additives. Avoid products with food coloring. Full fat dairy that also contains (as a lesser ingredient) skim and part-skim is okay but not the best choice. Goat milk and other animal milks are included with these guidelines – see “Thickeners, gums, emulsifiers (in pre-packaged food)” – Grass-fed organic is best choice if available to you.

Emulsifiers [see Thickeners, gums, emulsifiers (in pre-packaged food)]

Extracts (such as vanilla, almond, peppermint, etc.)
Use pure extracts only, not imitation. Buy organic if possible.

Flavored water [See Water, Flavored/Sparkling]

Flours, Starch 
YES (with exceptions)
Along with the two tablespoons per day of starch flours listed in the 21DSD Official Rules, arrowroot, potato, and green banana flours are allowed up to a total of 2 tablespoons of starch flours per day. These flours contain less less 1 gram of sugar per serving and do not taste sweet.  Flours such a sweet potato, pumpkin, plantain, and Tiger Nut flour contain more natural sugars per serving and also have a sweeter taste, these would be good options post-21DSD.

Food Coloring

Gums [see Thickeners, gums, emulsifiers (in pre-packaged food)]

YES (with exceptions)
Level 1 only. Hummus is approved if it contains only the ingredients found on the yes list. The exception would be organic, cold pressed unrefined high oleic sunflower and safflower oils, which are not specifically on the yes list. These are not a hard no but also not recommended. See explanation under Sunflower & Safflower oils. It’s best to make your own hummus.
Limit is 1/4 per day (1/2 cup legumes that have been mashed = approx. 1/4 cup.

YES (with exceptions)
8 oz. limit per day. While we don’t count grams of sugar on the 21DSD, for kombucha, we suggest choosing kombucha with less than 6-8 grams of less per 8 oz. serving. According to, “The sugar in Kombucha is for the culture to consume, not for you. When done fermenting, there will be about 2-6 grams per 8 ounce glass of unflavored Kombucha.” If your kombucha tastes sweet or contributes to cravings, choose a different flavor or simply avoid it. For the purposes of the 21DSD, we recommend choosing flavors that are on the Yes/No list such as lemon and ginger.


  • Soy
  • Sunflower
    YES (with exceptions)
    Generally okay. Choose organic. This product is often used as a supplemental Phosphatidyl Choline to support brain health.

Monk Fruit

Mixes (as in for baking/baking mixes) – Nut/Cassava/Tapioca

Natural Flavors
YES (with exceptions)
Not always a hard no if source is verified. Natural flavors may not be concerning, for example, made from the essence of essential oil. However, natural flavors allowed by the FDA can also be derived from problematic ingredients, for example, gluten (which is on the no list), dairy (not part of level 3), MSG (which many people are sensitive to and it stimulates your brain to crave more food), and even propylene glycol as well as a number of synthetic chemicals. Via the FDA: “The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.”

The products and brands we officially recommend that contain natural flavors have been confirmed to be okay for the 21DSD. If you see it in other products that are not on our list, you are welcome to contact the manufactuerer and to let us know what you find. Otherwise, when it doubt, leave it out.

Natural coloring
YES (with exceptions)
Approved as long as it is not contributing to sweetness of food.

YES (with exceptions see cured meats for more info.)
Not necessary to avoid unless you know you are sensitive to them.

Nut milk [See Almond and Other Nut milk (besides coconut milk)]

Oat milk
Read your ingredient list to make sure there are no funky additives or other ingredients that are on the NO list.

Peanut oil
Look for organic, unrefined, cold pressed or expeller pressed.

Peanut Flour/Powder
Look for organic. No sweeteners, sugar or any 21DSD “No” ingredients added.

Palm oil
YES (with exceptions)
Look for organic, unrefined and sustainable. Tropical Traditions is a good source. It’s not likely organic and unrefined in processed food unless otherwise specified so keep that in mind when you choose packaged food products. It’s not a hard no but not necessarily health promoting depending on how it’s processed. For example, palm olein oil is processed to remove the saturated fat, which is actually protective in high heat. This oil is still better than other industrial vegetable oils.

YES (with exceptions)
No sugar should be added, if they are fermented, then less than 1 gram per serving.

Processed Meats [See Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish]

Protein Powder
Yes (with exceptions)
Choose 100% pure, no other ingredients added aside from the protein powder. For example, 100% egg white, 100% collagen, or 100% whey protein (levels 1 & 2, organic/grass-fed is recommended).

Rice vinegar

Sausage [See Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish]

Shirataki Noodles
YES (with exceptions)
These noodles made with konjac yam and glucomannan are a source of dietary fiber and act as more of a “filler” vs. nutrient dense whole food. While small amounts used occasionally are not likely a problem for most people, those with digestive issues may find that these noodles exasperate their problems. Use with caution in that case. Be mindful that these noodles will fill you up, crowding out your consumption of more nutrient dense foods. Better alternatives are noodles made with whole foods such as zucchini and other squashes, carrots, and parsnips.

Smoked salmon and other smoked fish [See Cured Meats, Bacon, Sausage, Other Processed Meats & Smoked Fish]

Sunflower & Safflower oils – organic, cold-pressed high oleic only
YES (with exceptions)
Not recommended for cooking or cold use in your home. In processed foods, avoid those that are not labeled or verified as organic, cold pressed, unrefined high oleic. Note that these oils are made with seeds have been hybridized to have a profile more similar to olive oil. If you look closely at these oils sold in the grocery store, even the organic pressed high oleic versions are refined for high heat. While there may be less concern about the cold use of organic high oleic cold pressed unrefined sunflower and safflower oils, they are difficult to find, not health promoting, and it’s unlikely that the unrefined version is being used in most processed foods. Healthy fats are so vital for human health and there have been little human studies using these modern, industrial fats. They are not traditional fats and we have plenty of healthful fats available to us.

Sulfites (Sulfur dioxide and others)
YES (with exceptions)
Not technically a no food but it’s a preservative, which means the food you are eating is not fresh and may not be a healthy choice on a daily basis. Avoid whenever possible.

Sun dried tomatoes
YES (with exception)
Drying tomatoes yourself is your best bet. We have not found any that are void of “No” ingredients. You will likely come across sun dried tomatoes in hummus and processed meats such as sausages. Sun dried tomatoes are approved as long as the rest of the ingredients are approved and the sugar is less than 1 gram per serving.


YES (with exceptions)
Do not stop taking any supplements are medications that have been prescribed to you by a medical professional or health practitioner for the purposes of the 21DSD. There are multi-vitamins and other supplements such as Natural Calm that have some flavorings. We recommend you switch to non-flavored versions. There is unflavored Natural Calm. The multi-vitamin/mineral that we recommend is Nutrience by Calton Nutrition. There is an unflavored version available.

Thickeners, gums, emulsifiers (in pre-packaged food)

  • Carrageenan
  • Guar gum, xantham gum, locus bean gum, gum Arabic, tara gum, gellan gum
    YES (with exceptions)
    Use with caution or avoid if you have digestive issues. These are generally considered safe based on our research as of this writing.

Water, Flavored/Sparkling
YES (with exceptions)
These waters have natural flavorings – source should be verified, LaCroix for example is sparkling water with natural flavors from the essence of essential oil. Is it a health food? No. People tell us that they find it a helpful better choice while they transition off their sugary beverages. That said, there are some current concerns questioning whether or not these natural essences actually trick your body into thinking it’s actually getting calories as artificial flavors do.

A recent small trial looking at sparkling water vs. regular water revealed that sparkling water increases ghrelin, the hunger hormone in your body, stimulating your appetite, leading you to crave more food. Also of note, LaCroix water in cans is lined with BPA – the company states that it’s not in detectable amounts but know that it’s there. The key is how much and how often. We do not recommend drinking flavored water with meals. In fact, we recommend only sipping a small amount of water as needed during meals to support optimal digestion.

What about other flavored sparkling waters? You are welcome to confirm with the company that makes the other brands. One popular brand that markets itself as all natural was taken to court regarding the propylene glycol contained in it’s natural flavoring. Propylene glycol is allowed in accordance with FDA rules depending on how it’s used. That said, we are at the mercy of the food manufacturers and have to trust that these companies are telling us the whole truth about what they are including.

Whew! That's our list for now! If you have questions about other ingredients that are confusing for you or you don't see them here or on our Yes/No list, please comment below so we can add them to the list!

Comments 142

    1. Hi Joan –
      This one is covered in the Yes/No list very explicitly! 🙂 You can download the program rules for free at or it’s in any of the books. This list is specifically to cover ingredients and really confusing items that aren’t covered there.

  1. What about no-grain no-nut flour such as sweet potato flour, banana/plantain flour and tigernut flour? They are often used in AIP recipes instead of nut or seed flour.

    1. Hi there-

      One of the goals of the program is to help change your habits away from processed foods, and low-fat/non-fat dairy are processed foods that have quality nutrients removed. Full fat dairy is the real, whole form, so it’s included for Levels 1 and 2.

      1. Also, don’t fall back to skim milk after the 21DSD (this should teach you to choose whole foods (especially full-fat)).
        Also, I learned that lactose-free dairy (which has lactase added to it) tastes sweeter than regular dairy (and also has a higher glycemic index). Is lactose-free dairy acceptable? Thank you!

        1. David,

          As long as the lactose-free dairy is still full-fat, it is acceptable. Lactase is an enzyme that actually breaks down sugar. So you should be good to go! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  2. “Grain flours are not allowed….(…quinoa flours, for example). The only flours allowed are those made from nuts, seed….”

    Quinoa isn’t a grain, though. It’s actually a seed of the goosefoot plant.
    So what’s the rationale behind limiting quinoa?

    1. The whole form portions are noted in the new book or the PDF at – when you take it to a flour form , that is the max per day of any starch flour in total (so if 1 tbsp of tapioca, then 1 tbsp of another added to that in a day max).

        1. Hi Ana- potatoes are covered in the new Daily Guide book as well as in the free download! Grab yours at – this post covers some grey area ingredients or foods that are not explicitly covered already in the materials. Cheers!

  3. I get seasonal allergies that often include a sore throat. Are there ANY throat drops on the market that do not have some sort of sugar or nasty substitute? Normally I would turn to some honey as an alternative to coat the throat (but that doesn’t travel well) but its not allowed either.

  4. I have been wondering about unsweetened 100% cranberry juice. It does not taste sweet at all and I don’t drink it straight, but sometimes like to add a splash of it to sparkling water. The brand I buy has 18g carbs per 8oz serving, 9g of which are sugars. I am assuming that since it is indeed fruit juice, it’s a no. But, was wondering if you had any thoughts.

    1. No, only the approved fruits or if fruit/juice is included in kombucha (fermented) or trace amounts in cured meats, sausage, etc. But AFTER your 21DSD I love real cranberry juice mixed with sparkling water!

        1. I would not recommend V8 as we do not know what the “natural flavorings” are. -Moriah, Team 21DSD.

  5. I’m five days pre-detox and reading over the simple swaps. Can you clarify that Nut Thins are an okay cracker? I can’t find the two recommended anywhere, but nutthins say almond/rice baked gluten free cracker. I don’t see rice flour specifically…

  6. One clarification, no two questions:

    1. I want to interpret correctly the response on the almond nut thins. Is this a no because of the rice flour? Here I thought I was doing so good….

    2. Are peanuts/ sugar free leant butter allowed?

    3. If lentils are allowed on level 1, are the new kinds of pasta made with lentil flour allowed?

    1. 1. correct!!
      2. peanuts and peanut butter, yes – the rules are here if you don’t have the book yet –
      3. no grain or legume based pasta, no. but enjoy those post detox! Only the actual legumes are allowed for the 3 weeks, or blended into a hummus if you want, but remember the max portion for the whole legumes is 1/2 cup total per day.

  7. I see that there are many beans listed on the “limit” and “no” lists, but what about white beans? Thanks for your help!

    1. All types of starchy beans that are similar in that same category are on the “yes” list for Level 1 but in a limited quantity. So, there used to be a “limit” list but the way it’s presented now has shifted. For future reference, if you’re unsure of an item and don’t have a fast reply, you can always see what on the list is most comparable to the food you’re considering, and it’s probably treated the same way! Cheers!

        1. Hi Sol,

          As long as it is full-fat, plain yogurt, with no added sweeteners, it is 21DSD-friendly. Be sure to read the ingredients for no hidden added sugars. —Moriah, Team 21DSD

    1. This is covered in the free downloadable version of the program. What we are covering more so in this post are nuanced items that may not be considered hardcore “yes” or “no” foods, or items that we didn’t place on the standard list! Download it here

  8. Can you have sweet potatoes? The cookbook says no but the daily detox guide says yes. So its very confusing.

  9. Pingback: 21DSD Approved Products and Brands | The 21-Day Sugar Detox by Diane Sanfilippo

  10. Kefir is a little confusing to me. At least the brand I have purchased at Earth Fare, Maple Hill organic. It show’s 12g/serving of sugar but sugar is not on the ingredient list. Is this OK to have? It’s clearly labeled plain and unsweetened. I also found that my Balsamic vinegar has 3g sugar/serving. In these fermented products, does all the sugar get consumed during fermentation?

    1. Lactose found in dairy is a naturally occurring milk sugar. As long as it’s not low or nonfat, it’s fine. Vinegar, too- these are all covered on the main yes/no list that’s downloadable on this page and in all of the books! 🙂

  11. Pingback: 21DSD and Athletes: Fast Five for Athletes | The 21-Day Sugar Detox by Diane Sanfilippo

    1. I just tested them and they work for me- what browser are you using? Or do you have pop ups turned off on your computer? When you click, a window will open for you to enter your email so we can send you all the goodies!!

  12. Hi, we are trying to determine if V8 is allowed on 21DSD? The only thing we see in the ingredients that give us pause is the natural flavors. My husband is looking for potassium recovery after workouts and I am looking for a quick addition to lunches at work

  13. I did not see stevia specifically mentioned. Should I assume it falls into the same category as “all sweeteners”, and therefor forbidden? Does it trick your body into thinking it’s getting calories?

  14. What are coconut solids? Is that the flesh of the coconut. If not, is the flesh of the coconut allowed or is a coconut a fruit as well?

  15. Hello – I ordered the 21 dsd book and am excited to start. I have a banana allergy though and many of the snacks and breakfasts include bananas – do you know what I can use as a substitute for the bananas?

  16. Hello, are coconut flakes and cacoa powder allowed? They’re not listed on the yes/no list so just wanted to double check because I noticed them in a couple recipes. Thanks!

  17. Hello,

    I just purchased the book and doing Level 2. I saw 2 recipes that I wouldn’t consider :salmon in a can as well as tuna. Do you recommend any alternatives to those dishes?

    1. Rice noodles are not approved. You might want to try kelp noodles or spiralized vegetables instead!

  18. I just noticed that two flavors of tea that I purchased from Bigelow (herbal tea, no caffeine, orange spice and lemon ginger) have soy lecithin listed among the ingredients, lised in parentheses after “natural flavors.” Is this a vehicle for the natural flavors, and does it matter if it is in the tea? I know all herbal teas are allowed, but this is got me thinking and potentially regretting having bought this tea for my 21 day detox…

  19. How come potatoes are on the eat list if they are high on the glycemic index? I’m just curious thank you!!

  20. Hello! I was wondering why beans where on the limited list if they are low on the glycemic index? Thank you!

  21. My husband and I have started the 21 Day Sugar Detox on Monday (04/08/19) (YAY!) (Day3) and boy this is no joke! We are already feeling the effects of eating healthier, I cannot wait for day 21!
    We were wondering if there are any breads or crackers we could snack on (like breads made out of coconut flour)?
    I feel so hungry and my cravings are out of control!

    1. Yes, carrots are approved on the 21DSD as the sugar in carrots is not an added sugar or sweetener. -Moriah, Team 21DSD

    1. Correct, berries are not permitted during the 21DSD but are a wonderful food to bring back post-detox! -Moriah, Team 21DSD

  22. Is Dr. Axe Collagen approved? The ingredients listed on the container are Egg & Pollack…I normally have a scoop in my coffee in the morning with Half & Half and some coconut oil…I’m planning to start Level 2 this coming Monday…this would still be permissible, correct?

  23. Hi!
    On day 6! I scoured online & the book, for the answer but I can’t find it – so forgive me please.

    Is non-alcoholic beer allowed?

    thank you!

    1. I would not recommend V8 as we do not know what the “natural flavorings” are. -Moriah, Team 21DSD.

  24. Unsweetened chocolate bar/cacao? I’ve looked all through the book and list and do not see it.

  25. I’ve tried searching for the answer to this, but why the limit on beans /legumes? From what I see they are generally low glycemic starch. I had a friend ask if beans had sugar in them and I didn’t have a great answer for her. Just wanted a better understanding . Thank you

    1. Hi Amanda! That’s a great question. Beans tend to be harder for people to digest, so we recommend taking a break from them, or having the small amounts of them on Level 1, to see how your digestion feels once the program is over. -Moriah, Team 21DSD

    1. Hi J,

      Since goldenberries are a fruit, they are not approved for the 21DSD, however they sound like something great to enjoy when not on the detox. —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  26. Is Oat Milk allowed? I am nursing two babies, & I want to protect my milk supply. I’ve heard Oat Milk is wonderful for milk production.

    1. Hi Sydney,

      That’s a great question! Yes, oat milk is allowed. I will add it to the post above! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

    1. Hi Debbie,

      No, brown rice flour is not allowed as it is a grain-free flour, and therefore not easy to measure exactly how much of that gluten-free grain you’re consuming when using it. —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  27. I’m on day 8 (level 1). Is it ok to drink pure carrot juice? It’s sweet (but not sweetened) and I assume it is allowed if I only drink 6-8oz a day. Would that be right?

    1. Hi Marne!

      You are welcome to juice veggies, but we do recommend enjoying the juice with a meal instead of on its own as it may spike and crash your blood sugar. —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  28. Hello,

    I do not see Carrington Farms brand of Coconut Oil or Ghee on the lists anywhere but they seems to fit the criteria of what is okay. Please advise 🙂



    1. Hi Trish,

      As long as there’s nothing included in the ingredients that would make it a “no,” then it’s a yes! With new products and brands coming out all of the time, our list won’t always include *all* of the products and brands. However, I personally use Carrington Farms ghee so I can tell you, it’s a yes 😉 -Moriah, Team 21DSD

  29. Hello . I cook alot of Indian and Asian food and was wondering if raw tamarind pulp is allowed ? I believe it is really high in sugar but am not sure . Thank you

    1. Hi Karishma,

      That’s a great question! Tamarind pulp would be a no as it is very high in sugar, and it is a fruit. Hope that helps! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  30. Why can’t I have stevia or monk fruit on the 21DSD? They have no calories or glycemic value, and they are good for you.

    1. David,

      Part of the 21DSD is retraining tastebuds to appreciate natural sweetness, therefore stevia and monk fruit and the sweetness that comes with those ingredients would hinder the retraining of those tastebuds. —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  31. 1. I’m confident that patients would need more vegetables on this detox than normal. How much vegetables do I need on this detox?
    2. Also, can you upload a 21DSD no-bake cheesecake? Thank you!

    1. David,

      As for veggies, it’s an individual experience. We would recommend to monitor your poop, and add more non starchy if you are not going every day. Many people actually find that they’re eating more veggies than they normally would because they’re replacing the refined foods they were eating, but this program is also built for people to tailor to their own needs!
      As for the cheesecake, we do not currently have a no-bake cheesecake, but I invite you to go check out Pinterest for 21DSD-friendly desserts as there are lots of great options on there!

      -Moriah, Team 21DSD

      1. I saw that the desserts are called not-sweet treats. These are foods that are tasty, but only lightly sweet compared to regular treats.
        It is possible to have a cheesecake on the 21DSD. The crust could be made of nuts, and the filling could be made of organic cream cheese and organic heavy cream (for a good source of fat).

  32. I am on day four of the diet. I am confused about the plan. Are you allowed both 1/2 cup of the allowed starch and i cup of the starchy vegatables per day or is it either or? Thank you

    1. Hi Lea,

      If you are following Level 1 of the meal plan, you are allowed 1/2 cup of the allowed starch, and as many starchy vegetables as makes you feel good. There is no limit to vegetables, starchy or otherwise, as everyone’s needs are different for optimal health. Hope that helps! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  33. Hi!

    Can you eat the sour cream served at Chipotle? It says on their website it’s made from pasture raised cows and is just “cultured cream”. I get a little confused on what dairy is and isn’t allowed.

    Same for cottage cheese, what should we look for for cottage cheese?




    1. Hi Kelly,

      If the sour cream at Chipotle is made from cultured cream, no other ingredients then its good to go. Compliant cottage cheese will say whole milk on the package or 4% milk in the ingredients list. Hope that helps! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

    1. Hi Bev,

      Wild rice is approved for Level 1 of the 21DSD, treat it just like any other grain. Hope that helps! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  34. 1) I saw that you wrote that dairy must have at least 4% milk fat, but regular full-fat milk is 3.25% fat. Is that okay?
    2) Some brands of light sour cream and reduced-fat cream cheese do not have extra ingredients (and they both have significantly more than 4% fat). Are those okay?
    Thank you!

  35. Is there a decent pre workout that can be consumed on the 21 day sugar detox? We tried to drink the pure pump but it was horrible. What is an acceptable percentage amount of natural sweetener in a pre workout if it has one?

    1. Hi Nika,

      We do not have any specific pre-workouts that we recommend, but there are some blog posts specifically for athletes on our blog. Search our website and you will find them, they’ve got some good tips for pre and post workout! —Moriah, Team 21DSD

  36. To make this program low-carb/keto-friendly, avoid the foods on the “Limit” list and watch closely on dairy and nuts/seeds portions.

  37. cAN I CONTINUE TAKING MY DAILY VITAMINS? I am a baby taking pills so most of mine are in gummy form.

    1. If your vitamins contain sugar, they are not approved during the 21DSD. —Moriah, Team 21DSD

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