BLOG | Which 21-Day Sugar Detox resource is right for me?

How to choose which 21DSD resource is right for you.

Need help deciding which 21DSD resource or resources are right for you?

You're in the right place!

If you're ready to see how great you can feel without processed foods and refined sugar, we've got the resources to help you get there.

The 21-Day Sugar Detox program has options – three printed books, a free Facebook community, and tons of 21-Day Sugar Detox Certified Coaches that specialize in everything from blood sugar regulation to athletic performance.

With so many ways to customize your detox, it's all about finding what works for you!

I just want the basic rules. No extra information, no recipes, no meal plan, and no cheerleading or support.

Great. The 21-Day Sugar Detox program rules are 100% free.

How to get it: Download the 21DSD rules from this page.

I want daily informative lessons, advice, tips, and checklists as well as a complete meal plan with recipes all in one place.

Your Top Pick: The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide

Why? This new book includes a detailed day-by-day approach to the program to help you succeed from a full week pre-detox to a full week post-detox. The book includes a 21-day meal plan with new recipes and shopping lists – and details for getting the most out of your cooking and meal prep days. (Note: The Guidebook and Cookbook also contain meal plans, but they involve more time and prep work in the kitchen than the new plan and those two books do not have the daily format and detailed information that is in the new book.)

How to get it: You can get The 21DSD Daily Guide from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookstore.

I want as many resources and as much support as I can get!

Your Top Picks: The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide + book + cookbook + Certified 21-Day Sugar Detox Coach

Why? Gives you everything you need to have the ultimate 21DSD experience. With daily journaling prompts, meal plans and recipes; motivation and guidance from your coach and the support of your fellow 21DSDers; and online resources you can take with you anywhere, you’ll be set up for success from pre- to post-Detox.

How to get it: Find the best coach for you at Contact them directly to join an upcoming group and get a custom link to purchase your resources.

I want to choose my own 21DSD adventure.

Your Top Picks: Updated Program Rules + ANY of the 21DSD hard-copy books

Why? Perfect if you enjoy cooking and want to create your own meal plan customized to your tastes, and are looking for tons of easy to make, delicious recipes.

How to get it:  Download the updated program rules from, and purchase The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide, The 21-Day Sugar Detox Guidebook, or The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook.

I need extra accountability from a real person.

Your Top Picks: Certified 21-Day Sugar Detox Coach

Why? Our amazing coaches keep you on track! They offer 1-1 and group coaching services designed to ensure you have the support you need for an interactive and successful detox experience.

How to get it: Find the best coach for you at Contact them directly to join an upcoming group!

Still need help choosing? Shoot us an email at [email protected] or comment below and we'll help you out!

Comments 12

  1. I saw an article on your site about modifications for children during the program. I have the guide book, but it doesn’t cover this. Where can I get more ideas about helping my 4yo (very picky with texture issues) and 2yo (more open, eats good variety) thru it?

    1. Post

      This guide was available in the previous version of the online program. The guide didn’t have anything specifically about picky eaters/texture, more about modifying things to be more flexible for kids in general. If you decide to join the online program, shoot us an email about this and we can see about getting you that extra guide – info @

    1. Post

      All of the books have totally unique recipes for 90% of the content. The only repeated recipes are some sauces, spices, and basics like that. All of the entrees/main dishes, breakfast, etc. are new. In the Daily Guide, there are 50 new recipes and a smattering from the older books but they’re just included to round out what’s in there. Long-story-short, they’re really all unique!!

  2. I don’t understand when the online program starts. Can I purchase it today and start tomorrow or do I need to wait for a specific start date? If so, when does the next program start?

  3. I’m looking for a meal plan, shopping list, and whichever has the best option for quick meals/ recipes. I am postpartum with a 12 week old and I have a 3 1/2 yr old, so I don’t have a lot of time for cooking and meal prep. Simple and quick is ideal for me.

  4. Hello,

    I am interested in the 21 day sugar detox. I have already joined the $21.00 fee. Would like daily emails or what ever that is done on the 21 day sugar detox.

    Thanks Natalie

  5. H ithere, I just noticed that you have a new book “The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide.” I have the other two books. Will this have different recipes? Thanks

    1. Yes, the Daily Guide has different recipes than the Guidebook and the Cookbook. -Moriah, Team 21DSD

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